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[MIND] Feed Your Mind

[MIND] Feed Your Mind

If you are committed to your personal growth and conscious living, which if you are listening to these you are, it is important to feed your mind daily. In this episode, Doug gives a hack to ensure you feed your mind regularly, allowing you to have bigger and more impactful conversation with those around you.

[MIND] Because

[MIND] Because

Language is everything. Make this ONE shift in your language to uncover all the ways you (and others) have been making excuses and create a more powerful way of viewing the world.

[MIND] Celebrate  Wins

[MIND] Celebrate Wins

Celebrating wins – something most of us don’t even think about doing. Most of us walk through life on autopilot and don’t understand why we don’t feel fulfilled or proud of who we are and what we do. And yet, we never take time to truly CELEBRATE our wins….big and small. In this episode, not only will you understand WHY we should celebrate our wins but you’ll also receive a quick and easy tip on how to make this apart of your daily practice.

Whose Schedule Goes First?

Whose Schedule Goes First?

Now, I just walked in from a trail run. A beautiful trail run along a gorgeous, pristine river. I mean, just absolutely gorgeous. 75 degrees out, as I’m running, the wind is going against me, I can hear the rushing water alongside me, and this is just a short, maybe 5 to 10-minute drive from my home, yet no one else around, except for the birds and beautiful nature.

Pain Provides You 3 Choices

Pain Provides You 3 Choices

I was talking to a client just last week who is going through a lot of pain. They’re going through a breakup, or what seemed like a breakup in their marriage. Now, they didn’t know if this breakup was going to result in just separation because they definitely were going down that path, or full divorce or even just complete hatred, dividing of their physical belongings, but also their children. Most of the business owners I work with are married and have kids, and this pain conversation comes up often.

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