Self-Sabotage, or as Gay Hendricks calls it in his book The Big Leap “Upper Limiting”, is a process that we all go through.
Here are some resources to help you push through your upper limit and prevent self-sabotage :
The Big Leap by Gay Hendricks is a quick read and a great resource on how to prevent hitting what Gay refers to as your Upper Limit. This book will tell you Gay’s story and then walk you through the exercises he used to help stop his self-sabotage.
Be sure to check out Gay’s other books as well. I particularly like Five Wishes: How Answering One Simple Question Can Make Your Dreams Come True
3 Ways to Defend Yourself from Imposter Syndrome and Upper Limit Problems by Courtney Johnston
How To Solve The Upper Limit Problem by Sylvester Chisom
A tapping routine to move through Upper Limit Problems by Nicola Humber