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Cleaning Up The Past With Someone You Can No Longer Talk To

Cleaning Up The Past With Someone You Can No Longer Talk To

Now today’s tip comes from a reader question, and this is Alice. And Alice wrote in and asked, “Doug, what do I do to clean up something in my past, something that’s been bothering me and just kind of feel like it’s holding me back. What’s something I can do when I can no longer talk to that person?”

So Alice goes on to share a lot more information in her question and this person happens to be somebody, it’s a family member who passed away and she feels like it’s holding her back. So, how does she clean that up? How does she clear the air there? And it’s a great question and something that’s talked about often.

One Simple Change Can Improve Your Relationships

One Simple Change Can Improve Your Relationships

Today I’m going to do a quick tip on relationships. This is a hack that’s worked for me over time and I’ve seen it work for other people. In any relationship you have, especially intimate relationships, those that are closest to you, seem to trigger us. They seem to bring out certain times of anxiety or despair or anger or upset. I don’t know anybody that’s been in a long-term, intimate relationship that hasn’t seen the ups and downs of that relationship. It’s just human nature.

Five to Thrive Mashup: Relationships

Five to Thrive Mashup: Relationships

Today’ Episode focuses on the fourth in your five to thrive, relationship. This episode is a mash-up of the best “relationship” episodes from this past season. Even if you have seen these episodes, do the work again! This work and growth is all about repetition!

Pain Provides You 3 Choices

Pain Provides You 3 Choices

Pain is just part of life, we all go through pain. The pain of an event, a loss of a loved one, pain that is physical. Either way, pain provides us three ways to respond to it. I want you to do is think of these three ways and think about which one you actually fall into more often. And just be honest with yourself.

The first one is the initial reaction to ignore the pain, or blame others. Now, this is events in your life, other people, or blaming yourself. Now you could ignore it, and act like it didn’t happen and bury it and stuff it deep down inside of you like we often do. That’s what I used to do a lot of times is do that.

Accountability Partners and Rocket Booster Friends

Accountability Partners and Rocket Booster Friends

Rocket booster friends, as Lisa Nichols calls them, who I love by the way, and if you get a chance look up Lisa Nichols if you’re not familiar with her. Also, accountability partners. That’s a word I use in my coaching and just in my daily life. What’s the importance of having these people in your life? Well, accountability partners are those people that are going to keep you on the path. They’re the people that are going to give you encouragement on your journey to becoming the author of your own story.

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