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Vol. 7 The Best Of Daily Growth Hacks

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Vol. 6 The Best Of Daily Growth Hacks

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Vol. 5 The Best Of Daily Growth Hacks

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Vol. 4 The Best Of Daily Growth Hacks

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Vol. 3 The Best Of Daily Growth Hacks

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I was at the gym this morning working out and there were two guys talking. One guy turned to his friend and started correcting his form and it made me start to think, what is the outcome that I want? Now I could have stepped in and say, hey look. You know the advice that you’re giving is really bad. You know this person might even hurt themselves and embarrassed his friend.

But I could tell that he was actually really enjoying helping his buddy out, and really what I would have done is just push them both away. So I sat back and relaxed and just simply had conversations with them. Where are you stuck in the black and white situation of being right versus being happy? Where is this creating unhappiness in your life?

Now, when I talk about running your life like a project, what I’m really talking about is a conversation I had with a friend of mine. Now he’s a business owner and he manages several projects in a given day. He’s really efficient at it. People ask me, hey is this about me? Are you talking about me in this subject? Are you talking about my story? Well, honestly I’m not.

You know, I’ve only really talked about clients that I currently train and work with. And chances are, it’s not about you. However, yet it is. And what do I mean by that? Well, what I mean by that is if something that I’m saying is touching you, is making you feel like I’m speaking about you, that means it’s triggering something inside of you. Start with hunger in your own back yard as you grow this bigger.

You see, oftentimes we set these huge goals and they only set us back because they’re so big they seem enormous and we have to get them right. Heres’ what I’m trying to tell you is you don’t have to get it right, right now. You can make a difference by starting small. When it comes to his life, when he leaves work, his life seems to fall apart. He looked at me and said, Doug, what do I do? I go home. My relationships are in shambles. I can’t seem to get fit.

My health, my energy are just down. I just can’t manage all of this. Now as soon as he said I can’t manage all of this, a light bulb clicked off in my head. He’s a project manager. So while isn’t he managing his life like another project? So I manage multiple projects across multiple companies and the way I do this is by using project management software. So about three or four years a go I started using the same exact software to manage my life.

What if you write your eulogy. You were able to actually stand above and listen to the crowd at your funeral. What are people saying there? Are they going to say, jeez Doug was such a hard worker? He worked 50 hours to 70 hours a week, working on his business. Wow, we were so proud of him. Or are they going to say, wow Doug was such an amazing friend? He was there every time I needed him.

You whenever I needed advice or even someone to help me move, whatever it was, Doug was always there to lend a helping hand and an open heart. Now, which one would you rather be? So in the circles I run with, business gets talked about a lot. And oftentimes you’ll hear people talking in social settings about bad ideas. Hey my cousin had an idea and it was a horrible idea or I’ve started a business. It was just a bad idea and that’s why it failed.

Or I have an idea for a business but I think it might be a bad idea so I’m not going to start it. These kind of conversations come up often, and I hear them a lot. And what’s really interesting to me is that I don’t think there’s a bad idea. I just don’t think there’s a bad business idea. Now what I mean by that is, I can take any idea, any business idea you can think of, I can show you somebody that’s millions of dollars on that idea.

Whether it’s digital, or retail, brick and mortar, manufacturing, service based, you name it, there’s somebody out there doing that successfully. Doug, love what you’re doing, but I want it too. I want a lifestyle that actually works around me and my goals and my dreams. Really what they’re saying is, I want to develop a digital lifestyle where I can travel where I want to go, still run my business, still affect people in a positive way, but I don’t know how to do it.

I feel like I’m chained to my current business or to whatever I’m doing currently. So really what he was asking and this is an old client of mine, and he said, gee what can I do now? What is the fast track? Should I get a job with somebody that’s digital and sell my business? Should I just go, is there a class I can take? No MBA really covers this. How do I do this Doug? What’s the next step?

Running a business digitally is no different than running a brick and mortar business. You must master the fundamentals of business. Right before bed they’re going to visualize themselves being successful at whatever endeavor they’re embarking on, right before they go to sleep. Why is this important? Well, this is important because when you go to sleep your mind’s subconscious is going to process the last thing that you were thinking about.

What I want you to do is, right before you go to sleep, I want you to think about that. Visualize the success, not the journey but the success. What is it like when you are at that successful point? You can’t force anybody to do anything they don’t want to. You can lead a horse to water as the saying goes, but you can’t make it drink. And what I mean by this is, you can’t make somebody change.

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Vol. 2 The Best Of Daily Growth Hacks

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So, it’s good enough. How often do you hear that in conversations, especially at the workplace or at home? So, as an entrepreneur, often I use the term, ready, fire, aim. And the reason I do that isn’t because I’m not trying to reach perfection, but I don’t want perfection to stop me. I don’t want to get stalled just because something’s not perfect.

First of all, rapport is really the ability to establish a connection with somebody else. The ability to establish that connection where they feel like you actually get them, you understand them. Now, rapport has some negative connotations because it’s a NOP tactic, so it’s neuro-linguistic programming, a tactic that’s often used by salespeople to get you to buy things. But, there are other ways to establish rapport and other reasons to do that. Establishing rapport during the conversation is critical because it allows the other person to lower their defenses and better receive your message.

Now, one of my goals is to be able to speak conversational Spanish within ninety days. Now, I just want to be able to have a basic conversation in Spanish and I’m far from that goal. How often do all of us start a goal, hit one roadblock, and then just give up on it rather than using our resources or resourcefulness?

Now, imagine that you just went out and invested in a million dollar thoroughbred, a racehorse of supreme quality. Now, when you take this horse home are you going to go to the stable and feed this horse junk food? Are you going to push this horse beyond its breaking point causing injury, causing fatigue? Are you going to allow this thoroughbred to stay up late? Are you going to keep it up really late and wake it up early in the morning so it gets sleep deprived? Are you going to treat this horse poorly? Of course, you’re not. You’re going to treat it with respect. You’re going to feed this million dollar racehorse with the finest foods. You’re going to make sure that it’s eating really well and optimally trained. You’re going to make sure its body is worked out on a regular basis but not pushing it too hard, but pushing it harder each time so it continues to get better. You’re going to make sure this million dollar racehorse actually gets that quality sleep it needs, and you’re probably going to make sure it gets the love and respect it deserves.

So step back. You know that you’re worth way more than a million dollars. Why do you have a coach? You’ve been coaching people for years at a high level. You’ve been doing personal development since you were in high school. Why are you still doing this? The reason is, that I’m always changing. Right? Every time I peel back the layer of my life, peel back the onion, so to speak, it exposes something new. And I’m changing my thoughts, my patterns, my beliefs.

With coaching clients, one of the first things I ask them is, send me a screenshot of your calendar. Now, they often think this is weird. Like, why would I send you my calendar? Well, the reason I ask them this is because, if you show me your calendar, you’re going to show me your priorities. Sure, many of us say, yes, the family is first, or yes, my business is so important. Or my health, I know my health is really important. But when I look at your calendar, have you scheduled time for your family? Have you scheduled time for your workouts and your health? Or am I going to see meetings in there? Or other events that have nothing to do with what you claim your priorities are.

How many times have you just been walking around the house or in the car and all of a sudden a song pops in your head? It could be a song from years ago, or from yesterday, or just minutes ago, but you just don’t know how it got there and you just start singing, humming along, and moving to the beat. This happens to me all the time and I’m sure it happens to you. What if, instead of that song, you could put something into your mind that’s going to help you move it in the direction that you want to go to? Move and pull you in the direction of your dreams.

Now, The Power of Intention was a book that was written by Dr. Wayne Dyer. The Power of Intention guides everything. He said, the concept behind this book is, putting an intention out to the universe, but it also gets your mind going. It sets what you want to go, where you want to go, and what do you want to be.

I’m going to talk to you about using your voice and literally your voice to be your coach. What I mean by that is actually recording yourself to coach yourself.

Imagine that you’re approached by Tiger Woods, Tiger Woods in his prime. Now, you’ve never golfed before but he puts a bet on the line. He says, “Hey, look. I will bet you five million dollars we’re going to golf one year from today, winner take all.” Are you going to go and do what most people seem to be talking about these days? Are you going to go dive into the psychology behind playing gulf? Are you going to go work on getting your Masters Degree in psychology? Are you going to pick up every book you can find in the library or the bookstore on the subject matter of psychology? Are you going to read every self-help personal development book? I sure hope not, because game day comes, your mind might be right, but your golf swing certainly won’t be.

I want to talk about sweat equity or actually getting some experience. Because you’re certainly going to do a lot better than just hiding behind a book.

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Revisit: There’s Freedom in Having a Schedule

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What do you mean by there’s freedom in a schedule? A schedule is so constricting. I want to be able to do what I want when I want. Well, I do too. But I’ll tell you, this is a battle I’ve had over the years. And I can also tell you this is something we’ve talked about in a previous daily growth hack. But the question keeps coming up over the over again in my conversations with coaching clients, but also in the Author of Your Own Story groups that we have. So, I want to clarify it a little bit more.

When I say, “There’s freedom in having a schedule,” really what I’m saying, is there’s so much time we waste. We only have so many hours. Let’s say for example, in a typical work week, you spend a couple of hours on Facebook — which the average person spends way more than that — but let’s just say you just spend a couple of hours on Facebook, or just social media in general.

And maybe that’s a couple of hours watching TV. And during that time, if you’re like most people, you’re flipping through the channels a majority of that time or talking and somebody about, “Hey what do you want to watch on Netflix?” “I don’t know, let’s scroll through.” And looking at the movie listings, or whatever it is.

And you aggregate that out on average. On average of the people that I’ve talked to, and I look at statistics, it’s four to six hours of wasted time per day. Now, if we look at an average work week, that’s 20 plus hours a week. Multiply that after an average of 52 weeks a year. It gets astronomical.

And then even if you put the average cost, the average daily cost, let’s say you make $20. Say you make $20 an hour. And I’m guessing if you’re listening and this, you make a lot more. But let’s just say you make 20. You’re looking somewhere around 40, 50,000 plus a year in opportunity cost. What’s even more important, is the opportunity cost of you being the Author of Your Own Story, and utilizing that time better.

So, what do I mean by, “There’s freedom on a schedule?” Well, I used to have this mindset, in my early 20s, that didn’t want a schedule. That was my goal. And I actually have that now in my life, where I don’t have to have a schedule. I have the lifestyle, and the job opportunities, that allow me to wake up when I want, go to bed when I want. Work when I want, or not work at all. I’m very fortunate in that matter. But what I found is by having a schedule, I’m able to actually map to my day, my weeks, my months, my years, and my time, to actually optimize my lifestyle for me.

Now, oftentimes what happens is people sit down, and they write down their schedule, and it’s filled with things they don’t want to do. The have tos, and the should tos. Now of course, if you have the should tos, you’re setting yourself up for judgment and disappointment already. You’re saying, “I should do this,” and you’re already setting yourself up for something that you should’ve already done, so therefore you’re wrong, or you should do, be you’re not going to, therefore you’re wrong in that sense.

What I want you to do is look at your day. Look at your ideal week. I always do this. And we talk about every Sunday or Monday planning out your week. If you haven’t done the 30-day roadmap for the 30-day game. Or if you’re a coaching client and in our Author of Your Own Story Group, you want to make sure you’re doing the 90-day game. You have access and all that material.

But what you want to do every Sunday, Monday, is plan out your ideal week. Review the past week and then plan out your ideal week. Now, fill it up with things that fill you up. If video games are your thing, and that’s your jam and that’s really what lights you up, then make sure you add that time to your week’s schedule. I’m not saying this just has to be filled with just productivity time. It doesn’t.

This is your story, not mine. You’re the Author of Your Own Story. Write an epic novel. This is your chance. This is your opportunity. If you want to have movie time. I love movies. My wife and I love watching them. What we want to do is actually maybe pick a few movies that we actually really like and add them to our queue. It’s really simple when you’re going through Netflix — or if you have another online movie distribution system, or your TV Guide, or whatever it is — just to simply click and save, so you can come back. Or create a list based on recommendations. There are tons on the internet.

That’s just an easy way of scheduling it in. By scheduling, you’re actually able to look back. You’re able to look back on the past weeks, months and years, and actually, achieve the goals that allow you to be the Author of Your Own Story. Look, successful people don’t get successful by accident. And those that seem like they do, often fall off the rails.

But more often than not, you hear about them being successful after they put in the hard work. The 10, 15 years of hard work that it took them to be successful. They’re doing the little things they aren’t being talked about, like scheduling their days. Scheduling their days for optimum productivity in their own lifestyles. So in other words, you’re able to actually do those little things that add up. Those micro-details that add up.

You know, in your body for example, in your five-to-thrive. If you want to lose 40 fat pounds, you don’t do it overnight. You don’t do it the next week, the next month. It’s impossible. Certainly not to do it healthy. But it’s little workouts every single day. Little micro changes a day. Then you can look back upon it six months or a year later, and you’re 40 pounds gone. That’s amazing.

Well, you can do this in all five categories of your five-to-thrive. And that’s was I’m going to ask that you do today. So, what I want you to do is pull out your journal, write down your five-to-thrive. That’s your mind, your body, your soul, your relationships, and you’re a business. And write down what you want to do. Where do you want to be productive in those areas each week? What are the micro changes that you can schedule in each week?

Look if you’re not scheduling it, it’s not going to happen. You and I both know, you don’t schedule your workouts, they don’t happen unless that’s the one area you’re focused on. Now, this goes for relationships too. You need to schedule connection time. You know, if you’re not in an intimate relationship, maybe you don’t even want to be in one, schedule time with friends. Schedule time with family.

Hey, you know, at lunch, I’m going to never eat alone, so I’m going to go walking with a friend, or it’s going to go have lunch with a friend. Do something along those lines, but make sure it gets on your schedule. By scheduling things you’re able to be much more efficient with your time, which gives you so much more freedom on your downtime.

There’s nothing more I like that having a weekend with my wife and my son and being able to do whatever we want to. We look at the day like a blank canvas that we can paint anything we want to. And that is true freedom. And when we schedule those times, we’re able to talk about it. Think about our next adventure and trip.

We’re doing that right now in our lives. Where do we want to go? What do we want to do? And we’re able to paint that into our schedules and into our lives. And then when we have that time for freedom, that schedule allows us that freedom. It allows us that bandwidth, which to grow into. We only have so much time. So much time here on this earth in this one experience called life, and I want you to get the most of it.

Start today. Start now. You deserve to live the best life possible right now. This is the first step to becoming the Author of Your Own Story. So, here’s what I want you to do. Grab your journal. Grab your five-to-thrive, and write down two things that you should be doing each week in your five categories that you can schedule right now. And then I want you to schedule it.

Just write it on your calendar. Whether you use Outlook, Google calendar, whatever you use. Paper calendar, I don’t care. And then what I want you to do is share this with three people. You need to build your tribe. That’s the key to becoming the Author of Your Own Story and a successful person. You need to have people around you. People that lift you up and build upon you, like the wings you fly on.

The key to doing that is share with them what you’re listening to and what you’re going through. And that starts with this. The Author of Your Own Story: Daily Growth Hacks. So take this one particular video if you’re watching me, or audio if you’re listening to the podcast, and share it with three people. Do that right now. And maybe you can just share it and just say, “Hey, I’d love to hear what you think about this.” Or “Hey, This really impacted me in these ways.” And share.

If you want bonus points, I encourage you to go deep. So, just not only share this, a message with them but tell them what it means to you. Tell them maybe something that you forgot, like “Hey, I realize that I’ve been talking about losing weight for six months, and I haven’t done anything about it. So now, I’m scheduling it into my days, and I’d like you to join me.” or “I’d like you to keep me accountable.” or “I’d like to talk to you every day. I’ll put a five-minute check-in every day to make sure it’s on my schedule.” Or a weekly check-in. “Every Sunday let’s get together and form a mini-mastermind group, and let’s talk about our goals.”

Three people are all I’m telling you. All I’m asking you to do right here, right now, at this moment. That’s it for me today. Remember, go out and be the Author of Your Own Story.

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Revisit: Doing The Impossible

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I just got back from the gym and if you’re watching this on video you can see that I literally just got back and rolled right into my office to record this because while I was there I heard two women talking about how they could never run a 5K. They were talking about it as if it the most impossible thing in the world to them. The truth is…it probably was in their version of reality.

It made me think about when my wife and I took our son up to the mountains over the weekend up in here in Oregon to Mount Bachelor. They had a pond skimming contest and I’ve never seen one before except for on tv so we thought it would be great to watch, and it was. The reason that I bring this up is people are coming down in funny costumes, they’re sliding across the water, some make it, some don’t. You’ve got judges with the score card saying, “That person gets a six, this person gets an eight,” et cetera, “this person gets a one.”

People were doing all kinds of crazy stuff. You could tell the alcohol was flowing for a lot of them and they were really enjoying themselves. Then, one skier comes down and this skier had a smile on his face as big as his whole head. It was huge. He was having a great time. He was on one ski because he was an amputee and only had one leg. He was coming down, flying down the mountain and he looked like he was having the time of his life.

Because he looked like that, it was infectious! The whole crowd was into it! As he zipped across the pond, he just barely didn’t make it. But he gets in the water, raises up his arms and you could tell he had the time of his life. All of the judges gave him a perfect 10. Now, they didn’t give him a perfect 10 because they pitied him or anything else, there were actually other skiers there who were skiing on one leg or amputees coming into the events.

They were giving him a 10 because he was out there doing the impossible and loving it.

I can tell you what the conversation was while I was watching it, there are hundreds and hundreds of people if not thousands watching this event and almost everybody’s thinking, “I can’t do this, I would never be able to ski or snowboard across this pond.” I’m talking about 20 and 30-year-olds who are actually really good. And then to see this guy on one leg….he has every excuse in the book to not ski down a mountain, especially to not ski into a pond of water with a ski on. How are you going to get out?

Yet, he took the impossible and made it an adventure.

His energy was so infectious and so full of life. He was soaking up the marrow of life! It was awesome and it made me think and it made me smile. I absolutely loved it and he deserved a 10 for what he was doing. Now, flash back to these two women talking about how impossible it is to do a 5K. All they were doing during the whole time I was overhearing their conversation was complaining. They were complaining and then justifying why they couldn’t do a 5K. I can’t do a 5K ’cause I’m too old, I don’t have enough time, the excuses went on and on and on. Now granted some of these excuses are valid. And they’re especially valid to the individual but is it true that they don’t have time?

No. They were in the gym, taking the time to complain. So clearly they had time that could have been on the treadmill running or at least walking fast. There are all kinds of options. It’s simply a paradigm shift in thinking about what is impossible to what is possible and what is that reality.

What is the story that you’re telling yourself in that moment?

The guy going down the mountain, his story was drastically different than these two women. His story was one about passion, about living life, about going for it, about going all in.

For these two women, their story was about, “Hey, I can get connection by complaining, I don’t have to do the 5K because I am now putting my story as I don’t have to and I’m getting attention, love, connection by complaining about it, by telling everybody my problems and the reasons I couldn’t do this event.”

Now we all do this at some level. We just do, it’s human nature. My tip for you today is, where in your life are you consciously or subconsciously not doing something because it’s impossible?

Is it starting a new business? Is it starting a new relationship or ending a relationship? Is it actually impossible for you to get up in the morning and meditate every day? Is it because you have kids?

The reality is it’s not impossible.

What I want you to do is open up your journal, go ahead and write down something, think in the past. There’s got to be one thing that you’re thinking, “Yeah, it’s just too hard, I couldn’t do that.” Or, “It’s great to see these other people out there doing an Ironman, doing a half marathon, walking a 5K.”

Whatever your goal is, instead of just thinking it’s good for them to do, I want you to think about what could you do? What’s holding you back and what do you find impossible?

Now, when you’ve got that story, ask yourself, is it true? Is it really, really true that it’s impossible? My guess is that you’re going to find that it’s not. I hope this inspires you, certainly the guy coming down the mountain inspired me, but at the same time these two women complaining also inspired me.

You get messages from both people. You get lessons from those that are doing things positively and you get lessons from those people who are doing things the way that you don’t believe they should be done. Great teachers in both scenarios.

Go to your journal, write it down, I really encourage you because it does help.

Share it in the Author of Your Own Story community, that way you can get some feedback. Also by putting it out there into the world, you’re actually being vulnerable and it forces you to play at a bigger level.

I encourage you to sign up for our newsletter, you’ll get more tips, tricks and hacks there. As well as access to our free seven-day course on how to be the author of your own story.

On behalf of the whole team here, remember to go out and be the Author of Your Own Story.

If you like these daily growth hacks, it would mean the world to us if you would take a moment to subscribe and review us on iTunes!

Revisit: Slay A Sacred Cow

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When I say ‘slay a sacred cow’, of course, I’m not talking about a sacred cow in Hinduism, what I’m talking about are those things that are policies, procedures, or systems that have worked for you in the past, have helped you get success, but are now holding you back.

These can be a variety of things. This could be a way of being, this could be your nutrition. Like maybe before you could eat whatever you wanted to and as you’ve gotten a little older, as I have, it just doesn’t work as well. This could be a particular workout. This could be the way that you digest materials. This could be sleep patterns. This could be the way you are in relationships. As we age and as our relationships mature, we may just change and mature with them and so you may have had a way with a partner or somebody else in a relationship or a business associate that has worked and now isn’t and you’re holding onto this way of being and it’s limiting you from your success.

This also could be in your business and this is where I see it the most. With business executives and business owners, often times they keep going back to the well for something that worked for them a long time ago, but no longer works, or it’s a policy or procedure in the workplace that is slowing down or hindering performance. What I want you to do is grab your five to thrive and write down and just think where in my five to thrive am I holding onto a sacred cow that I need to let go. I need to slay that sacred cow and actually open myself up to new possibilities or new ways of being.

I know for me when I did this exercise, I actually found several in both my body and in my business. Now these ways of being, once I looked at them, I realized that I was operating from these procedures that have worked for me years in the past and they made me very successful but at this time they’re not only holding me back but holding the people around me back. By seeing this picture, I could actually take away these policies and procedures of my business that allow for more creativity and easier workflow and stop me from being the gap to stopping progress, but also in my body what I was looking hot are ways of being. Ways of being that I was eating and things that have worked for me in the past and have allowed to be very fit and healthy but actually aren’t working for me today as I’ve aged and my activity levels have changed.

Same for you. What I want to know is in your five to thrive, where do you have a sacred cow? Where do you have a sacred cow that it’s time to let go, it’s time to slay that sacred cow. Then I want you to identify what can you do right now in this moment to take the first step forward. What can you do right now to allow yourself to open yourself up to new possibilities and allow yourself to expand? Write that down and calendar it out. Never leave the moment of insight without taking immediate action.

That’s it for me today. Remember, go over to where you can get more tips, tricks, and techniques, as well as more information about the Author of Your Own Story University. It’s a fantastic program and I want you to be able to take advantage of it. Have a great day and remember, go out and be the Author of Your Own Story.

If you like these daily growth hacks, it would mean the world to us if you would take a moment to subscribe and review us on iTunes!

Be Your Own Coach

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We’ve talked about this before on the Daily Growth Hacks, but it bears repeating because it comes up time and time again in conversation. What would you do if you were coaching yourself?

What I want you to do is grab your Five to Thrive and look at your goals and look where you are in relationship to those goals or where you are within your Five to Thrive. How would you rate yourself? If you were to step aside and look at yourself from a third person perspective, what advice would you give yourself? You see, it’s often easy to look at somebody else and give them advice. That’s why it’s one reason to be a good coach. It’s easy to look at someone and say, “Hey, look, you know, you really should be doing these. You should put down the hamburger and french fries and go for the salad with the lean protein.” If we had a dog or a pet or any other pet, took it to the vet and the vet said, “You know what? This dog’s overweight or this dog’s unhealthy, and what you need to do is give it these two pills in the morning and give it this tonic at lunch, at 2:00 PM, and then give it these pills right before bed,” we would do it each and every time religiously. Yet, we don’t always do it for ourself.

The first step is coaching yourself is recognition. What I want you to do, it’s a quick one, is grab your journal, write out your Five to Thrive, and then list what you would do if you were coaching yourself from a third perspective, a third party perspective. How are you in your mind? Would you be studying something different? Would you be focusing more time on reading or learning something new? How about your body? Would you be eating differently? Would you actually take your vitamins and actually go running in the morning when you say you are? Then, in the area of soul, are you meditating? Are you taking care of yourself, filling your own cup? Then, what about in the area of relationships? How are your relationships? Have you called your parents? Have you called your friend? Do you text the person you care the most about? Then, the area of your business. Are you managing your finances in the area of business, or is that an area you’re just avoiding, which most business owners seem to do. What about your staff, your employees? Where are you in these areas and how would you coach yourself if you were the third person?

All right. That’s it for me today. It’s a quick one, although you’ve got to do the work. Remember, if you’re not doing the work, you’re just listening to these, and it’s like emotional candy. You don’t want to do that. Also, share this with at least three people you know because that’s how you’re going to build your tribe. You’re going to build your tribe by sharing this with more people and actually having conversations that matter. I will see you tomorrow. Have a fantastic day. Remember, go out and inspire someone simply by being the Author of Your Own Story.

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